- Home
- Training
- Surgical Skill Training
Basic Surgical Skills
- Wound care & suturing techniques
Advanced Surgical Skills
- Laproscopy / Lap trainer / Lap simulator with Symbonix simulator
- Lap cholecystectomy / lap appendectomy / lap hernia repair
- TL instrumentation - posterior
- Surgical approaches - temporal bone anatomy & transpetrosal approaches
- Occipto cervical anatomy & fusion techniques
- Anterior cervical fusion - artificial disc
- Neuro endoscopy
- Minimally invasive spinal surgery
- Cervical discectomy
- Arthroplasty hip & Knee- Primary & Revision
- Arthroscopy - Basic & Advanced- Hip, Knee & shoulder
- Surgical approaches to the upper limb /Lower limb
- Lumbar discectomy & posterior instrumentation
- Posterior instrumentation of Thoracic spine
- Nasal endoscopy
- Temporal bone dissection
- Cochlear implantation
- Flap surgery - Abdominal , Upper limb , Lower limb
- Microvascular surgery
- Pain management techniques
- Advanced intubation
- Pelvic Laproscopy - Tubectomy / salpingo-oopherectomy
- Advanced intubation
- Lap Hysterectomy